Image: Alexandra Tomlinson by Jacques Olivar for Marie Claire Italia
Me wishing I looked this cool as I work through the mountain of admin I've been dealing with this week.
So I've been posting that Mars/Saturn recently, during Mercury retro could have us drilling down on the details in full-on practical mode, and slaying the inevitable obstacles on the way?
Yep, and sure enough I've found myself sitting at my desk talking to every boring govt dept/call centre known to man dealing with apparently every dreary bureaucratic detail I've been avoiding like, forever. And madly finessing the logistical details with my fab collaborators, for my upcoming biz venture (insert shameless promotion- brilliant Gypsy Queen Tarot Oracle app coming up folks!).
So whilst I've spent most days at my desk in sweaty workout clothes from the morning, too busy on the phone/online to get around to even getting dressed properly till like mid afternoon; I have maintained the fantasy that I'm a slick, glamour queen business woman as above, lol.
But watch out-by the time Mars meets sexy Pluto later in the month we'll all be rocking our most stylish look, with a little less grinding hard work and a little more spunky, rewarding progress in life-so that's something to look forward to huh?