The Mars/Saturn vibe in your self-expression sector early April is interesting, in that it forces you to confront any lingering doubt about your personal magnificence head on:
I mean to the extent you tend to be a unique mixture of unflappable composure and neurotic, perfectionist self-criticism at the best of times; Saturn has had you drilling down on some hard yakka self-improvement programmes lately-putting pressure on yourself much? So it’s fab that Mars is bringing a bit of brave, brazen confidence to the mix this month; it honestly is time to believe in yourself with real, unconditional self acceptance for a change –you’re worth it don’t you know!
And the better to be ready for Mars/Pluto with the New Moon of the 30th, where you’ll be smashing some previously limiting belief about yourself –its all about feeling the fear and dong it anyway; for a much more expansive world view huh?
Meanwhile you have the New Moon in your intimacy sector on the 16th. Now I know you love to work that virginal, guileless, cool reputation of yours but you can’t fool me, lol! And sorry to out you here, but I know how much of a sexy, irresistible, romantically intelligent little fox you can be when you put your mind to it. And I’m only pointing this out to let you know that mid month has dual intentions:
1. A chance to work your scarily effective wiles with whoever’s on your radar for some satisfying love action –oh yes.
2. Also maverick Uranus brings some kind of crazy, unexpected -even confusing love scenario or dialogue to throw you off your game; but maybe it’s a brilliant chance to embrace the thrill of the unexpected sans your usual control freakery? This could be a revelation! A new, more liberated relationship dynamic could be calling your name, and it might even be fun…trust the process huh?