Ok we need to talk about the fact that practical financial management is not exactly your strong point:
Do admit you are the sign most likely to make big coin but let it slip through your fingers at an alarming rate-and continually wondering how such a savvy little hustler as yourself can be constantly on the brink of broke? And/or too busy gallivanting around, refusing to work for the man or submit to the bourgeois work ethic and subsequently constantly having to rely on your innate lucky, magnanimous, trusting-the-universe thing to hopefully reward your talent. And ok you love the bohemian freedom this involves and you do nail the magical manifestation more often than not but still; it can be a pretty damn precarious living huh?
So to the extent Pluto has had you chasing more lucrative outcomes for the last ten years, Saturn in your income sector recently has been helping you figure out how to do it! You are finally nailing down a much more measured, pragmatic approach to actually getting ahead in real terms. And as much as you’ve been chafing under the discipline/work ethic/tedious lessons involved; you’re secretly loving the thrill of becoming a leaner, meaner success machine and pulling together more realistic biz/earning schemes than ever. Yes, and Mars turning up in early April brings the exact energy and fierce determination you need to keep going:
Especially Mars/Pluto around April 26th is a clue about big wealth opportunities coming up, to fund the liberated lifestyle that you’re working so hard to achieve. And I tell you what; Uranus into your work sector (for several years) from mid May is going to show you how. Next level personal freedom is, honestly, incoming -don’t give up now you’re almost there!
And love? You really appreciate anyone who gets how busy you are right now-and maybe you have someone special to share some professional/creative inspiration with? And then Venus into your love sector from the 25th brings a more powerful romantic vibe and ready for welcome, renewed passion with your lover-or if single some cool new attractions turning up to turn you on. Yay, it’s Sag mating season from late April-mid June, and time to have fun with your love mojo again!
Image: Neil Krug