Well if you’re feeling a little introverted and sensitive around the Full Moon of the 2nd? I’m here to tell you that not only will this tune you into a valuable font of inner inspiration and an opportunity to connect with your creative muse, but also a chance to rock this big time when the New Moon of the 18th reveals your next, potentially cool professional inspo -coming soon.
Because the day job sector is all lit up for the second half of March, with permission to take that innate talent of yours –which you’ve been patiently cultivating forever- and show it off a bit/promote yourself/play with creative possibilities. Whether it’s heightened clarity around furthering your current gig, picking up the pace with some biz scheme you’ve been brewing or following a cool new lead; lucky Jupiter in your earning sector lends a phenomenally positive, expansive approach to embracing, enjoying and monetising all this genius!
Oh yes, and all you need is your natural charm, arty flair and sharp professional instincts-this is your thing, so you’re bound to succeed if you just apply yourself with a little extra discipline –so worth it.
Meanwhile you have Mars energising your domestic sector from the 18th; so you are also increasingly motivated to assert yourself re family/marital/housemate dynamics or pro-actively nailing any real estate scenarios in order to get the home base right. You’ve got till mid May to pull the Libra sanctuary together so no need to vibe too impatient-but I would keep an eye on the Mars/Saturn vibe of early April for a little, clarifying reality check about the lay of the land at home and what you want to do about it…
And speaking of your personal life, your luvvy ruling planet Venus into your relationship sector from the 7th is pretty great for heightened romance for the rest of the month. Your lover is likely to be loving you up with the kind of delicious, lush attention you adore, which gives you the confidence to reciprocate just as generously and viola-the connection blossoms. Or if single you are so much more likely to meet someone gorgeous –who thinks you are gorgeous for some lovely, promising chemistry to turn you on.
Image: Lorenzo D Guia