It’s fabulously fitting that the first planet to enter your sign, since taskmaster Saturn finally got out of your hair last Dec is sexy, motivating Mars from Jan 27th-March 18th; how fun! You can feel a rush of raw, primal energy coursing through you and you are once again bursting with the sheer joy and vitality of feeling fully alive! Oh yes, and btw this is only a taste of how thrilled you are going to be when your lucky ruler, Jupiter turns up from Nov 2018-Dec 2019, so that’s something to look forward to huh?
So meanwhile, what are you gong to do with all this lust for life and personal power at your disposal right now?
I guess we need to start with the Total Lunar Eclipse of Feb 1st. It has the Destiny Point in your adventure sector; revving up that restless, visionary, freedom-loving wanderlust of yours bad! You are dreaming of far horizons, exotic travel plans and/or fierce ambition if you’re into publishing/academia or just a wildly autonomous/creatively inspired income to fund a freer lifestyle. One way or the other you’re scheming some way to go conquer the world and embrace a much bigger life plan this year. OMG yes, go you!
And if you have to take some time to check in with your communication dynamics; the better to factor in your loved ones/key relationships/flirty repartee into this new chapter around the New Moon Eclipse, that’s cool too…
Which leads me to the other benefit of Mars in Sag right now-your sizzling sex appeal! Which is great for strutting around feeling good for a good time -you’re hot and you know it, and so does everyone else –seduction potential much? And also the Sag love life might just reveal some actual soul-mating dimensions when Mars hits on Venus with magical Neptune in your domestic sector in late Feb. An emotional home for your heart with someone special/shacking up with your lover/harmonious family life with your partner? Yes, absolutely.
And whether or not love is your thing- creating a beautiful, nurturing home sanctuary for yourself is an important, achievable priority this month -and it feels lovely.
Image: Neil Krug