Well for anyone who has included more emotional authenticity and healthier relationships in your list of New Years resolutions- this Cancerian Full Moon-1.23pm AEDT, Jan 2nd- is your big chance to get started!
It's got it all:
The tidal waves of deeper Cancerian feelings rising up, ready or not to keep it real and release any compressed energy we've been trying to keep under control during the pressures/obligations/bacchanalia etc of the festive season. Yes, even if some of the issues coming up right now are particularly intense; we get that owning and integrating our shizz is way more empowering than not, huh?
Venus on board here is a big emphasis on genuine, gorgeously passionate and gutsy (if need be) relating in our primary connections right now. Yes this is big for our romantic relationships for sure; and any reveals/dramas/healing/passion etc in our love lives will be channelled into the most brilliant new clarity, mutual understanding, shared intentions and maybe new commitments by the New Moon of Jan 17th-something to look forward to. But really any relevant relationships in our lives can benefit from this energy.
And some of the most on-point, brilliantly primal instincts we've felt in ages; with Mars approaching lucky Jupiter AND inspirational, magical Neptune in sync with this Moon for the fierce, positive confidence and determination to get us on track with the kind of new years intentions we can actually walk our talk on as 2018 unfolds. It's looking good folks-and the more high end, intentional creative manifestation we can summon up this week the better!
Happy Full Moon and here's to an awesome 2018 x