Welcome to 2018 and let’s face it, you’re so deliriously happy to have taskmaster Saturn officially out of your hair that not much can throw you this year. Like a wild horse who’s just busted out of captivity you’re thrilled to be galloping into the next stage of life all liberated, energised and euphorically reclaiming the freedom to be you on your own terms again-yes!
And helpfully, Mars energising your lucky ruler Jupiter in your soul sector early Jan is a like a spiritual light-bulb moment. With some kind of shamanic/visionary insights to turn you on, for a beautiful new optimism about your life and gorgeously inspired intentions for the coming year…
So first up is the Full Moon of the 2nd in your sex/intimacy/money sector. This may flush out any churning emotions you’ve been valiantly trying to control-freak recently (thank you Saturn); but now it’s time to get in touch with whatever primal emo is coming up right now. Ok this could be intense; but how good will it feel to move forward in your most important entanglements (or ready for any new ones) with your most powerful, passionate, personal authenticity huh?
Ok and meanwhile you are actually wiser and more productively disciplined than ever thanks to the last few Saturn challenged years -its your new normal. And Saturn now in your income sector could reveal a new financial/biz savvy/fierce determination to earn on your own terms. Your usual tendency for (admit) flagrantly dumb money decisions may just be slayed this year by a capacity for lean/mean financial success that you never knew you had.
And the Venusian New Moon in your income sector of the 17th has wealthy abundance written all over it –with some fab new strategies & earning schemes presenting themselves.
And Venus is also rocking your beauty, charisma and spunky charm mid month. If you’re on the prowl for love/renewed romantic prospects/fresh chemistry with your partner after that crazy revealing Full Moon of early Jan? Yes, the more you remain gorgeously open and positive about it, the second half of Jan could be pointing to your romantic future beautifully!
Image: "Diva of the Plains" ~ Daga Ziober photographed by Mikael Jansson & styled by George Cortina for Vogue Japan, April 2012