The Full Moon of the 4th tunes you into some awesome gut instincts about how to work the Virgo career this month. And funnily enough your intuition could be saying that it’s all about a solid home base –as the real, essential foundation from which to launch yourself into the vocational/biz world right now.
Because Saturn has been busy grinding down a big learning curve in your personal life these last few years. Maybe you’ve been hard at work building a more sustainable domestic scenario; with savvy real estate choices/saving some coin to that end/creating a sanctuary to support and energise you and/or cultivating (and committing to) the best family/tribe dynamic around you for optimum healthy emotional support and personal well being? Gosh you’re feeling the rewards of this!
Or even if you’ve been feeling limited by any lack in this area, at least you now know what doesn’t work- with new insight into how to exercise healthier personal boundaries/slay any crappy old family dynamics/drop any dumb debt or dodgy real-estate obligations; the better to rise and shine when Saturn gets out of your hair from Dec 20th.
So to the extent that you’ll have some nice clarity around all this personal well being from the New Moon of the 18th, you’ll be ready to focus your energy on clear, confident self-expression in the world. You’ll be ready to scheme some cool new plans to finesse your core talent more effectively as you go into 2018. Creative discipline is about to be your new thing-and the rewards of any elbow grease here, in terms of being so much better at whatever you do over the next few years could be massive!
So yay for Mars energising confident Jupiter in your ideas sector from Dec 10th- it’s almost like the more ridiculously brazen and over the top your plans are, the more likely they are about to be to succeed –cool huh?
Image: Paolo Roversi for British Vogue