Operation freedom from the Saturn academy of hard yakka is finally here! I’ve covered the valuable Saturn lessons of the last 2 1/2 years already (see the last few month’s horoscopes) so I won’t go over it again-except to say you’re officially graduating from a BIG learning curve this month, the rewards are coming and it’s all getting better in the following ways:
Venus in Sag from the 2nd has you glowing with renewed beauty, style, desirability, personal charisma, shameless self-promotion opportunities and flirty confidence-yass!!! Finally, you’re strutting around rocking that natural, spunky mojo of yours again and loving how good this feels…
So with your annual Love Full Moon on the 4th you’re so attracting the kind of romantic attention you deserve; whether renewed chemistry with an existing lover OR being hit up by some cutie if single/on the prowl. Either way Neptune and lucky Jupiter lend a deep soul-mating/karmic synchronicity to any love action unfolding, so if it feels extra meaningful this month it probably is! Or even if there is a bit of hare-brained, intoxicated fantasy/misunderstandings involved (what with Mercury retro in Sag) ; this could still open you up & inspire broader romantic possibilities if you keep it high-end and unconditional!
Because Mars/Jupiter in your soul sector brings a positive, internal sense of spiritual well-being to power you through the month with the best, high vibrational frequency and optimism –which is so beautiful.
And your big Christmas present is Saturn officially the fuq out of Sag from Dec 20th –Hallellujah!!! I’m here to tell you that you are about to experience some kind of release point of any internal or external pressure you’ve been struggling with these last few years, and you fully deserve the sense of relief and renewed vitality that comes with this.
Then the Venus/Saturn energy of the 26th is a brilliant prelude to the next 2 1/2 years of making potentially lucrative coin & the empowered self-determination that comes with it; yes a fierce new mogul/biz savvy version of you could be birthing by the New Year for sure-make sure you’re ready to embrace this huh?
Image: Photographer Amanda Leigh Smith, Model Leslie Crow, Styling: Squash Blossom Vintage, Hair & Make: Ashley Rae Hancock.