Well if Venus into your love sector from the 2nd makes you feel like it could be mating season? Oh yes, there’s some big romantic energy brewing this month…
Venus brings renewed, delicious attention from your lover and you respond with the same romantic generosity (it doesn’t actually matter who reaches out first of course-it’s the sweetness of the gesture that counts); the better for your connection to shine in its full, loving potential. Or if single you are that much more likely to share a mutual attraction with someone cute and the romantic confidence on both sides to flirt it up/hook up/perhaps explore more serious partnership potential…
Because the last days of Saturn in your love sector mean that you’re really bringing all those emotional lessons and mature relating skills you’ve been painstakingly cultivating these last few years to the table. By now you know what you want/or not and how your own patterns (or those of a certain relationship) are playing out; and you’re that much more prepared to walk your talk, behave like a grown up and explore maximum romantic potential (or the joys of autonomous, personal freedom) sans any tedious old sabotage tactics. Yep you might just be ready to get it right…
So by the spectacular New Moon in your love sector of the 18th you are ready to embrace whatever love action is going on –and it could be unexpectedly amazing-with your best, classy romantic finesse. And meanwhile the Full Moon of the 4th prepares you for this by plugging into your own, autonomous emotional fulfilment and personal moxy: and with magical Neptune on board in your biz sector this could so be via some magnificent vocational inspiration!
So thank goodness for the fab Mars/Jupiter action in your day-job sector. Your work ethic doesn’t so much come from tedious necessity; more that you’re genuinely excited –and therefore energised by whatever you’re doing/planning to do for a living right now. This is building all month and even more excellent by January-for a most auspicious beginning to your 2018 career plans; stay focused upon this for best results!
Image: unable to find original source for this image.