Image:Morena Fortino
So Venus, goddess of beauty and love has been blazing away in Leo-from August 26th-September 20th. Which is always great for unleashing our magnificent spunk, fabulous talent, gorgeous good looks and charisma upon the world, without wasting a smidgen of energy on false modesty when we could be focused upon living large, unapologetic self-promotion and bringing as much colour, creative expression and vitality to the world as possible...
Venus rules creative talent, and in Leo we're full of it! Meaning to say it's a great time to tune into our most core, driving creative force and rather than fretting about whether or not we're good enough to pursue it; we just damn well make sure we are -thank you taskmaster Saturn trine Venus this week- by tirelessly working at our unique creative expression until it shines!

And Venus rules beauty and style. It's all about ostentatious bling, big hair, tawny/bronzed skin, piles of gold (or costume) jewellery, animal prints and fur (fake of course!) -but it's really about the strut! If we're prancing around with the effortless swagger that comes from a deep internal sense of spunky confidence it doesn't matter what we're wearing; we're bound to wear it well and shine with personal charisma.

Image:Julia Stegner by Richard Burbridge for Vogue Italia
...and did I mention big, magnificent hair?

Image: Nadja Auermann for Richard Avedon Pirelli calendar 1995
And Venus rules romance. In Leo it's about passion, emotional warmth and treating our lovers with a magnificent emotional generosity; the better to make them feel as special as possible and be adored right back in return. Lets love large with a big open heart huh? It's mating season for the bravehearts amongst us who are hot-blooded enough to really care and fearless enough to show it...

And the big news is that Venus is meeting the Destiny Point -exact Sept 14th but active for the next week; this is a brilliant window of opportunity to seize any forward momentum in our lives with stylish, brazen, genuine self-assurance. Art/creative expression/visionary biz ideas -if we do it well- opens doors to public recognition and long term success potential. And dressing the part with unapologetic flair helps to nail it.

Image: Aline Weber by Richard Bush for i-D
And love? Oh boy, this is one of those soul-mating moments! We are statistically more likely to accidentally/synchronistically bump into a soul-mate/kindred spirit just as we're out and about hustling our own future goals. And if already in love, we score a moment to connect on a deeper, more meaningful level and perhaps new insight into the longer term potential of our relationship? Again, an open heart and spunky, inviting twinkle in our eye is our best bet here.

Happy Venus in Leo x