So Venus has been in firing us up in Aries all year so far (pausing only to touch base with Pisces emotions intermittently) -so now we can reflect on what we've learned from all this romantic/interpersonal/creative firepower? Do we have our more impetuous passions integrated and in check by now or what?
Because we have a change of pace with Venus in earthy Taurus, from now until July 6th, for a month of delicious grounding -we get to slow down and smell the roses for a while.
Venus loves being in Taurus! Because she's on home turf here, in one of the signs of her rulership she gets to luxuriate and really feel into her divine feminine power right now and so do we...
This is where we get right into the physical reality of our most lush, sensual, palpable appetite for pleasure and healthy, luxuriant comfortability in own own skin. Not to mention a slow burning determination and capacity to stick with the plan; the better to bring our more earthy desires and creative/biz aspirations to fruition:
So Venus rules romance. In Taurus we have a tendency to just really go for pleasure no matter what. It's all about successful seduction, and it must be said that this is the ultimate placement for superb bedwork, falling passionately in love based purely on astounding physical chemistry (and there are worse reasons?).

If we're single/dating/on the prowl it could be the season for kinaesthetic, magnetic attraction to guide us forward. We trust tangible, physical chemistry/body language to reveal the compatibility of certain connections, rather then over-analysing the subtext of some flirtation/txt message/whatever.
And if partnered, we re-enchant our lover by making the effort to please one another again. Yes this means re-kindling the bedroom spark that brought us together in the first place with some generous physical expression of love. But even a touch, a look, preparing a gorgeous meal and gazing over the dinner table in a way that says we still care matters right now...

Image: Pretty Woman-Julia Roberts and Richard Gere
And yes, let's not forget that a major Taurus turn-on is food! We could do worse than cooking up a storm and staging our next seduction/flirtation via some delicious feast- the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, as they say, and no doubt this applies to the chicks as well. We all love to be fed, and good company is often better with a loaf of bread, jug of wine etc... thus do we nourish our love lives this month.
And Venus rules beauty. In Taurus clothes are all about the right fabrics; if it's nice to touch and stroke our hands across a garment, it's nice to wear. We love rich, tactile, quality textures, rich, earthy colours, and the luxy feel of heavy, (valuable if we can afford it) jewellery against our skin.

Image: Aradia Sunseri
But Taurus is also pretty earthy and simple, so fresh scrubbed, glowing skin and soft, natural fabrics are just as good as gorgeous layers of adornment and richly applied make-up, depending on your style.

Image: Ella Uzan
And skin care is organic, for sure. And scent is either just-rolled-in-the-hay/just finished gardening/sweaty from a hard day's work/garlicky, herby aroma of good cooking type smell of natural living on us or an earthy, amber/musk/sandalwood/frankincense type perfume.
And Venus rules art and creativity. In Taurus we love the hands-on, sensual pleasure of making beautiful/practical things. Whether we're painters, builders, sculptors, gardeners, cooks, tattooists whatever we love the physical fact of brush-on-canvas, banging nails into wood, the feel of smooth stone/sticky clay, dirty hands as we make our garden grow, chopping organic veggies in the kitchen, the indelible feel of ink sinking into skin... etc.

Image: Barbara Hepworth by Paul Schutzer
And Taurus is also wonderfully aligned with music, so this month is brilliant for any musos looking to tap into a new vein of inspiration by just sitting around and really enjoying playing with their instrument/voice etc, and allowing the muse to strike where she may.

Happy Venus in Taurus, reminding us that life is to be savoured; let's embrace this to the max x