So to the extent that Saturn retrograde in your sign has become tedious, what with the endless, character building discipline/personal growth/gritty work-ethic you’ve been putting in these last few years; and such incremental, slow moving results thus far? You’ll be thrilled to know that the grand fire trine of June has you in it’s sights and finally gets things moving with the following planetary action:
The Full Moon of the 10th involves the brazen spunk of bitch Lilith in Sag – you’re hot and you know it and more than ever will live on nothing less than your own, uniquely integral terms because you can, so there! And this lends you the perseverance to keep on keeping on with whatever Saturnian imperatives have been driving you in the self-improvement/biz/fitness & well-being/personal accomplishment stakes so far. You’ve only got till December to complete this particular journey – successful outcomes are coming!
Oh and this is also a big Full Moon for love. Mid month could be spectacularly liberating for any repressed romantic instincts you’ve been sitting on lately – maybe time to open up to some love action, with someone who means it with as much passionate commitment as yourself? Yes a meeting of equals could be imminent.
I mean randy Mars in your seduction sector all month is not just hot, but also time for some radical emotional vulnerability (ready or not) in the whole sexual pursuit/intimacy thing? And the New Moon of the 24th reveals any deeper connections unfolding from this…
And Uranus has your self-expression sector all lit up. Nailing the creative process with innovation new ideas, a distinctive angle on self-promotion in the world or even loosen up and go party/socialise more freely where you’ve been a bit of a wallflower lately? It all feeds your healthy self-confidence right now-and it’s good for thy soul!
And the Destiny Point, which has been driving so much professional ambition recently, hits your adventure sector and you get a real sense of just how much recognition/personal autonomy/visionary possibilities/freedom of movement you’ve been working towards all this time… yes you’re way more on track than you realize! Soldier on & keep the faith little wildling, you’re closer than you think.
Image; unable to find source for this image.