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Venus has been wonking out retrograde for 6 weeks, and backwards in oceanic Pisces since early April; so there's been some overwrought emo coming up around our love/romance, creative talent/biz/financial potential, looks/self esteem scenarios -or perceived lack of- for sure.

But we've done so well processing these new insights and busy forging new and improved values and paradigms around this; the better to valiantly resist any self-destructive/sooky tendencies that may have been sorely tempting us lately?

Well done! And if we're feeling a little fatigued by the struggle against the riptide of Venus retro self doubt and wondering when it's gonna damn well let up -I'm here to tell you Venus has just stationed direct (from 8.13pm, April 16th)- and it's all about to flow that much more easily!

Don't be surprised if your Venusian instincts around romance, flirtation, biz, art and beauty suddenly make more sense -and you take the time to align with this and find your new groove, for best results.

Not to mention clocking any new & improved attitudes from any lovers/biz partners/creative collaborators on your radar, and exploring the best way to sync with them...

I mean it's still a little wierd: Venus in 'shadowzone' till May 19th and Mercury retrograde till May 2nd means we may still be carefully untangling any recent confusion/misunderstandings/biz decisions -and taking the time to nail any clear resolutions for a while yet.

With Venus square Saturn all month we are reality checking everything like crazy in any case -it's a month of savvy, disciplined attention to detail and we don't miss a beat!

Let's proceed with our best sparkling, fresh confidence, but keep it measured and intelligent, yes? Happy Venus direct x

Image 1: Tonya Couchman photography

Image 2: via (unable to find original source for this image)

Image 3: via Projectmermaids (unable to find original source for this image)

Image 4: via tantracatcrow

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