I know you’ve been having such a hard time with tedious, taskmaster Saturn in your sign these last few years; so I’m thrilled to tell you that Venus in your play/creative sector for the next 3 1/2 months is all about good times for a change!
First of all you already have Mars energising your confident self-expression in the world no end this month; so when Venus turns up from the 4th you come to terms with your most rocking talent/arty genius/ fun lifestyle groove and do it, more wholeheartedly and unapologetically than ever. Because it feels good and why not!
I mean you might as well enlist all those accomplished skills/personal discipline that Saturn has had you banging away at for so long now and make them actually work for you, and the kind of spunky, fulfilled, successful living you so know you deserve already, huh?
Because when Mars hits your day-job sector from March 10th it will be even clearer how your personal brilliance translates professionally; so in many ways Feb is preparation for you claiming next level biz success for the rest of the year –you’re so close don’t lose sight of the prize now! Maintaining the rage for getting whatever you want in life? Yes you goddamn can.
And meanwhile this astro is also permission for fun, replenishing party time and yes, romance! Venus and Mars are playing around with their connection in early Feb and this promises all sorts of delightful potential in your love life. Sparkly flirtation/ putting your spunky self out there for the first time in a while/making time for hot dates with someone special you might have been neglecting lately, to rekindle the flame?
Yes your sexy moxy is way back on and best embraced for whatever joy it presents in the moment, without projecting too many future expectations on things just yet. Any love stories playing out right now may well make way more solid, committed sense by October. Plenty of time to really enjoy the process of making love, romance, babies (?) -and also making any fabulous arty, creative projects happen in the meantime. Feb is time to embrace whatever is going on right now with your best, exuberant enthusiasm –do it!
Image: Enrique Badulescu for Elle France