Look. We all know you are a supremely talented creature, full of endless, brilliant potential if you only believe in yourself-which you inevitably, almost always do! So Saturn in your creative/self expression sector right now is an interesting and unusual challenge.
On the one hand, you get to drill down with genuine discipline on whatever core competency matters to you; and turn the best, innate skill you always knew you had into something really special via sheer, determined elbow grease. In other words you figure out what you’re good at and work it baby, with maximum success in mind.
On the other hand, you’re kind of tempted to spiral into some deep vortex of self-sabotage/doubting your own abilities. You’re doing the classic thing of feeling like a fake- that all creative geniuses do at some point- and all you can do is brazen your way through this -completely unfounded- ennui (like everyone else does) until you access that golden self assurance you do so well ...and like the cowardly lion in the wizard of oz you realize you had it in you all along!
The Full Moon of the 14th is a nice reminder to keep your game on point with the right creative discipline (thank you Saturn) and talk a good talk (Neptune lends the persuasive glamour to manage this), and get on with enjoying some healthy self-belief again-you know you want to!
The New Moon –with power monger Pluto- in your work sector of the 29th helps to streamline all this into a coherent career strategy with lucrative potential! Seriously, you have a vastly improved earning moxy coming up (thank you to the Destiny Point in your income sector), if you get your best mogul attitude on for a fabulously abundant new year…
Meanwhile romantic Venus into your partnership sector from the 8th and randy Mars into your sex sector from the 19th has got to be good for your love life! You attract a more delightful kind of attention from your current lover or, if single, a better class of contender for your romantic consideration …and Mars says you have the fire in your belly to chase it up with some hot-blooded, authentic passion. Could be something worth embracing coming up?
Image: via sandra1219.tumblr.com