To the degree that Saturn in your sign has been grinding you down (and pissing you off, frankly) with endless taskmaster self discipline lately; and you’re wondering what the fuq the point of all this hard yakka is anyway? The New Moon/Solar Eclipse of September 1st is a welcome inspiration! You score some keen insight into your optimum next biz/professional step-It’s promising, motivating, geared toward enduring long term success, and you fully deserve it! (no shizz, you say as you wipe the proverbial sweat from your brow).
And then Mars powering forward in Sag has the rest of the month to follow through on this; your work ethic is running high because (a) you’re through the worst of it (that would be the last 8 months) and can see the light at the end of the tunnel and (b) some new gig/cherished professional scheme coming to fruition is just so worth it! Well done you for recognizing this; keep at it, little workhorse, keep at it -the rewards are coming at you slowly, but they are coming…
Because Jupiter, your ruling planet awakens your out & about, extroverted networking moxy for a whole year from the 9th, which is a nice refresher for your any part of you jaded by the boring work routine. Yes, you still have nose to the grindstone but also enjoying beautiful friendships coming out of the woodwork, meaningful community/political involvement, party time and back on the scene shaking your gorgeous booty in the world -the Sag social life is back!
And Love? Firstly, Mars on track in Sag has your libido awoken good and proper, so you’re over dropping subtle romantic hints and on the hunt with some fierce passion instead. Yes, maybe it is time to reach out and make it happen! I mean Mars is totally maxing out your sexy, wild-thing personal allure so who wouldn’t thrill to know that you’re in love/lust/infatuation with them? The last week of Sept, in particular, could even be soul-mating season … if you’re up for it!?