Love Goddess Venus in Libra from midday today ( AEST) till September 23rd. Venus rules Libra, Venus loves being in Libra, Venus shines in Libra in every way. Beauty, aesthetics, creative talent, art, charm, sparkling conversation, polished social skills and yes, high romance is our thing this coming month...
Libra beauty is a high-end, polished thing. Sleek grooming and effortlessly artful, perfect styling comes so naturally to Libra; it's a great time to tune into our own aesthetic instincts and finesse our own, personal style-we're bound to get it right..
Wardrobe wise, Libra favours exquisitely tailoring/an elegantly 'mannish' style, or understated pastels/soft drapey knits/clean skin, or the full, made-up high glamour/hyper feminine look including perfectly applied cosmetics and shiny hair. Lots of looks to choose from... or, as Shakespeare says:
'Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale Her infinite variety. Other women cloy The appetites they feed, but she makes hungry Where most she satisfies...'

And Libra also has an affinity with beautiful interior design. I mean we've been scrubbing up our personal space recently with Venus in Virgo, as Virgo loves a purge and to feel in control of mess/chaos. And now in
Libra we step it up to full proper, artful home decor -Libra loves symmetry, harmony and high-end design sensibilities, so it's a great time for a fully inspired jush-up at home...

Venus rules art, and in Libra living well is an art in itself! Everything we do is supremely stylish, and an opportunity for inspired creative expression, just because it feels good to live beautifully. And as far as the arty-farty folk working in various creative industries? Collaborative projects/pleasing, soothing and harmonious aesthetics-as opposed to anything to jarring, taboo or confrontational for the sake of 'dramatic effect' (save that for Venus in Scorpio next month)/or persuading our next client/backer to come on board over a lovely lunch(?) or a ruthlessly effective, persuasive biz meeting is the way forward.
And of course Venus rules love and romance and so does Libra, so now we get real savvy about functional, classy relationships. Because the thing is that Venus enters Libra off the back of a hook-up with communication god Mercury wonking out retrograde: so we're going to have to remain on our toes with all our romantic dialogues/communiques/playful texting/flirty repartee and negotiating partnership potential sans stoopid Mercury retro misunderstandings -and luckily Libra is genius at this!
We are all about a smooth, delightful style of seduction if on the prowl, where courtesan-like intelligence and sparkling conversation make for the most memorable dates, as opposed to anything to sleazy, complicated, needy or forced.
And if hooked-up, we're about really honouring our commitment to healthy, respectful, meeting of equals (even if it's opposites-attract chemistry)-Libra loves a genuinely rewarding partnership, with potential to thrive because we really, truly appreciate and enjoy who one another are, as opposed to any emotionally manipulative nonsense (yes Libra can be quite passive-aggressive control-freaky but we don't fall for that, do we?).
Libra loves flirting for kicks and enduring marriage/life partnership-so whichever way we're inclined right now we take responsibility for doing it well.

Happy Venus in Libra, let's embrace our full, gorgeous, Dolce Vita potential here x
Image 1: Paolo Roversi
Image 2: Deeta Von Teese
Image 3: Marlene Dietriech
Image 4: via
Image 5: via interiors
Image 6: Zoco Home
Image 7: Helmut Newton