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The IDES of AUGUST are PRETTY GOOD, actually

August is here and the monthly scopes are up, and I don't know how many times I have used the term 'shameless self promotion' this month!

I mean it's pretty normal in Leo season to get onto our most beautifully brazen self belief on, and this month is no exception -the New Moon of the 3rd gets our moxy going nicely.

We have Mars rocking into wildling, free-spirited Sag after seven damn months of brooding in Scorpio; so we've so learnt our lessons about the deeper nuances of our favorite power trips/sexual entanglements (good), and now we're ready to rock on with a more dynamic, Carpe Diem, seize the day ferocity.

Visionary Neptune in league with pragmatic Saturn gifts us a nice, magical realist set of new possibilities, Believe in the dream and then do the work to make it happen sort of thing...

The Full Moon of the 18th is a chance to think outside the square about what really matters-innovative new perspective beckons

And then the Mars/Saturn hook up of the 23rd is when we really kick our most determined self-discipline; we do the hard yakka work and viola, our dreams become real.

For more detail, see your scopes here. Happy August x

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