There’s been big love action brewing in your partnership sector all year, and I’m sure you’ve been feeling, in your romantic bones, the enticing promise of future romantic possibilities calling you forward for a while now? Yes, and June (the 20th-22nd in particular) is when this buzz reaches peak, karmic potential.
So if you’re already in love, you are both ready to take this thing to the next step because it feels so right and you make each other truly happy, so what’s not to embrace about your wonderful future together?? And if you’re solo and on the hunt, this really is an unusually likely time for fate to deliver some new love interest into your life, who is not only divertingly exciting but also a very real possibility for longer term, actual-relationship potential. And even if there’s something crappy going on, like a break-up or you letting go of some going-nowhere crush thing -it’s Destiny telling you she’s clearing the way for better, more joyful developments coming up in their own time.
Ps, the New Moon of the 5th points to any development on the domestic front that could be relevant to the Pisces love life. Shacking up, an improved buzz with your live-in lover, or family/co-hab relationships improving generally… it’s all aimed at your optimum, long-term emotional well being.
Stay open minded about this! Lucky Jupiter and the Destiny Point hooking up in your love sector have only your best romantic and emotional interests at heart; and one way or another current developments are pointing you toward wherever you’re meant to be, future wise. Fate works in mysterious ways, and a spookily tuned-in little fox like yourself gets this, intuitively, yes? Of course you do.
Ok and meanwhile there’s Saturn in your biz sector keeping you in nose-to-the-grindstone work ethic mode. It’s worth sticking with this, as the Blue Moon (yes) of the 20th may well present some magically rare, wildly promising professional opportunity, and you want to be sharp, savvy and ready to grab it with both hands –stay tuned.
Image: Spell & the Gypsy Collective