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The New Moon of the 7th is a nice chance to tune into the emotional realities of your life right now -which I think you’re going to enjoy. This Moon is a grand trine, where your truer feelings can flow freely through all aspects of your life, and you can allow yourself a sense of being in the flow of things as they are–sans too much analysis.

Ok, so all the retrograde action of this Moon means every personal scenario in your life- spiritual/psycho-sexual/domestic, is still in big flux; so you accept that you can’t force the issue for a while, but rather relax and allow things to evolve. Nice one, you get a break from the usual non-stop mental chatter you so often subject yourself to -embrace this, yes?

Specifically, Mars retrograde in your love sector all month is a chance to pull back on forcing any big romantic action going on. You’re either giving an existing thing plenty of lovely time to evolve, allowing yourself to actually reconsider some entanglement that didn’t feel quite right in the first place(?), or even some old flame turning up and turning things on their head? Perhaps you refrain from jumping on any of this too quickly?

I mean sexy Pluto is parked motionless in your intimacy sector all month, so attractions are more about brooding intensity, and patiently dealing with any deeper emotional entanglements going on, rather than full-blooded pursuit just yet.

All is revealed/resolved by August, when Mars gets back on board with a more workable version of the Gemini libido and you can go forth with more gung-ho ferocity.

Meanwhile, the Full Moon of the 22nd is a nice moment of romantic clarity to help plot future love strategies. But better still, look to Lilith into your work sector for a brilliant moment of fuq-you, unapologetic ferocity re claiming your turf in the world. Get ahead in biz/professional respect and health/fitness hotness? You’re so onto it, baby!

Image: Lorenzo De Guia

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