The actual, day-job regime and daily grind involved in getting ahead, both professionally and health wise, could possibly be doing your head in right now, and you’re just going to have to cultivate a positive, constructive mental attitude to hard work in order to move forward right now.
Mars and Saturn are parked in your work sector, both annoyingly retrograde, and between them they’re acting like some kind of demented personal trainer screaming at you to go harder, try harder, push harder and never mind the lack of visible progress (yet!) for all your gritty effort.
This could take the form of an actual employer/client/boss/fitness coach /control freak type person riding you hard with some rigidly authoritarian attitude, which is frankly annoying as hell; but it’s all about pushing you into a new zone of high-achievement discipline and ditching any slacker tendencies and that’s gotta be a good thing, right?
Enforced success consciousness –why not?
But it could just as well be your own inner critic/self-motivating personal ambition/perfectionist that is driving you to work harder/do better etc. And it’s not so much about instant gratification/achievement, as the satisfaction of doing your best, persevering no matter what and, ultimately, cultivating a character building new sense of personal integrity and self-discipline. This is gold!
And the New Moon of the 7th is a cool reveal of the next best vocational opportunity/scheme/way forward, with Venus turning up to remind you that yes you do have the native talent, creative buzz, professional charm and good looks to pull off the next step; and validating all your hard work. The big picture achievements may not be fully resolved till August; but from the 7th you can certainly see it coming more clearly…
Love, meanwhile, is a total goer this month. Relationships (of all kinds) of ready to awaken, transform and thrive. A deeper intimacy with an existing partner, or if single being so beautifully self assured in the world as to attract a hot (possibly life altering) new attraction; it’s all on, and positive, confidant communication is key. If you feel it, speak up!