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November scopes are up. And just in time for the lovely love action that is Venus conjunct Mars; exact from Nov 1st-3rd. Yes, the next 3 days are resonant with romantic promise, savvy partnership decisions, new/renewed passion and hot (in a classy way) hook ups. We are all sophisticated, genuine, beautiful lovers, friends and partners now...check your scopes to see which aspect of your life is currently love-blessed...

And beyond getting our romantic/relational groove on, we have the realisations settling in from the recent Jupiter/Pluto trine; we want to be free-spirited wildlings and we want to be lucrative little money makers at the same time...

November is all about how to make it happen, what with pragmatic Saturn coming into a tricky square with visionary Neptune. Magical realism and manifesting our dreams in serious, functional, practical ways is our new challenge, let's get on it, yes? And there's Saturn in Sagittarius; again with the freedom/libertarian vs disciplined hard work vibe. And the Destiny Point swapping signs reminds us exactly what meaningful aspirations we are working so hard for... Let's get savvy about grabbing our destinal birthright this month, and walking our talk whilst we do it, huh?

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