Venus into Pisces, from yesterday afternoon-Feb 4th. Venus not only loves being in Pisces -where she is exalted, but also joins mystical Neptune, the South Node of spooky old memories, Chiron the healer and nearly catches up with her lover Mars on her journey through the watery Pisces realms in the coming month -it's a magical mystery ride coming up for the goddess of love for sure.
Specifically, Venus/South Node on the 8th could make this a week of dwelling on past loves -or even bumping into/hearing from some weirdo ex (eek?) but we keep it productive; the better to move on with a clearer perspective OR, if re-connecting we do it intelligently for goodness sake! And we also dig up any creative inspiration/talent which used to turn us on but we somehow left behind; and perhaps imbue fresh belief into old dreams by reworking them into a more current arty/aesthetic sensibility?
Then Venus on Magical Neptune around the 14th (Valentines day!) tunes us into our personal mythology/yearnings/divine inspiration (or discontent) about our highest romantic ideals for sure. We want nothing less than rarified, transcendent, heart-banging soul-mating in love; which could of course cue the most exquisite romantic intimacy/destinal encounters/taking an inspired risk on true love but ALSO primo astro for loony, delusional crushes/wildly impractical hook-ups/slippery romantic hopes that just don't stand up to reasonable scrutiny. Gosh it can be a fine line between beautific connection & emotional lunacy -it always is with Neptune- but mid-month is a fascinating time to intuit which way the romantic wind is blowing in this regard...

And Venus/Neptune is also great for channelling some truly extraordinary creative rapture. If you're an arty type -or would like to be- mid month is when you put some real time and energy into your music/painting/writing/photography/dance/design whatever; to tune into your muse for next level, exalted inspiration to do your best work for a while ..truly the creative process could be so fuqing good here, be a shame to waste it! Especially as the other side of this could be frittering it all away on intoxication/avoidance/talking shizz in some bar about your latest 'project' instead of actually doing it; which fine, can be fun & all but perhaps not so productive?

And then Venus on Chiron by the 25th is a nice reality check of how we've handling all this. We enjoy the well-deserved satisfaction of how newly imbued our life is with romantic/creative/spiritual meaning, which is lovely. And also, importantly, we allow ourselves a moment to process and heal any romantic/creative disappointments that may have come up (and what is disappointment but the subtle distinction between expectation & reality -always a nice one to accept and integrate, yes?), the better to move forward lighter, wiser and ready for a fab, fresh new momentum.
So Venus in Pisces is oceanic, high romance in our love lives (especially with sexy Mars also in Pisces for the rest of the month), if we can pull it off, and if not we watch any delusional tendencies and channel our glorious desire for union into connecting with our muse; creative or spiritual, and either way keep our yearnings compassionate, inspired and high end.

And Venus rules beauty and style. In Pisces we are pretty instictual, and tuned into the current zeitgeist without being slaves to any particular trend. Our personal styling comes from our own imagination/creativity as much as we subliminally pick up on cues from some cool film/photograph/cultural icon and creatively, savvily integrate into our own, unique look. The Pisces aesthetic tendency is a bit boho, a bit ephemeral, a bit glamour, a bit louche; and we dress very much depending on our shifting moods each day. Silver jewellery (as opposed to gold), shimmery anything, floaty fabrics as opposed to too much structure, hypnotic scents, barely-there make up or perhaps the whole glittery glam made-up face. And skin care is marine collagen and of course non animal-tested, we are nothing if not ethical and compassionate in Pisces!

Happy Venus in Pisces dreaming x
Image 1: Permafrost Collaboration | Devin Willow | Kurt Lawson #photography/Styling by Mirabai Wagner. UK vogue
Image 2: via Fotos recentes de Ugly (photographer unknown)
Image 3: source unknown
Image 4: British Vogue- Photographer Kate Phelan/Stylist Malcolm Edwards
Image 5: Dolly Lamour
Image 6: Helmut Newton, St Tropez