OCTOBER promises BEAUTIFUL beginnings IF we pay ATTENTION!

October is here and the scopes are up. It's a banging chance to score some real traction, as we glide elegantly forward with tangible momentum and personal composure, grace and aplomb.
The month begins with a magnificent Libra New Moon, ruled by lucky Jupiter; to inspire us with a beautifully expansive sense of endless possibilities for the month...
Jupiter newly in Libra is a fresh, more positive, inspired, hopeful and honest approach to relationships than we've had for a while. We're nicer to each other generally, and our romantic mojo is plucky, candid, trusting and divinely open hearted, which is just lovely...
Then the Full Moon of the 16th is Uranian! We swing into full blown, maverick, trickster, wildling mode here. There will be a few emotional outbursts, as we just aren't keeping anything bottled up a moment longer, and also lots of spectacular personal/emotional/psychological/spiritual/relational breakthroughs all over the place as we all claim our right to be free, live on our own terms and stay radically true to ourselves no matter what...
Meanwhile Mars in Capricorn has us savagely efficient, businesslike, pragmatic and focused on how we're going to get where we're going. With a gritty work ethic and searing ambition, that's how. The Mars/Pluto hook up around the 20th is blisteringly empowering for those of us with a sharp eye to next-level achievement/personal transformation and uncompromising success. But we do have to want it badly enough, own it, and walk our talk if we're gonna get there... yes we can.
Happy October x